“Used Food Trailer For Sale!”- Why Buying New May Be Better For You

Categories: Food Trailers

“Used Food Trailer For Sale!”- Why Buying New May Be Better For You

Search Google for “used food trailers” and you’ll fetch thousands of results.

If you’re anxious to get rolling into the mobile food industry, buying a used food trailer may seem like an attractive option.
Of course, buying used has it’s perks. Lower initial costs are typically the main driver behind purchasing pre-owned vs. new, but the ease of having a trailer that’s already up and running stands to be another big influencer in entrepreneurs considering pre-owned food trailers.

Should I Buy A New or Used Food Trailer?

There may be valid reasons why a used food trailer may serve you better than new, at this point in time.

In our experience, those looking to start quickly making consistent profit benefit more from a new, custom trailer. Buying new provides a peace of mind that used trailers can’t usually live up to, but the decision ultimately comes down to what your business needs at this time.

How much of a budget do you have?

Do you have an intricate, unique design envisioned for your food trailer?

What menu have you created?

Unless you are a seasoned veteran, buying a used food trailer can land you in somewhat of a pool of hot water down the line. This is particularly true of older food trailers; they are infamous for surprises down the line.

If you’re gearing up to head to the auction, we’ve shared some things to consider- and remember, keep your budget and business plan in mind before handing over the cash.

The Low Cost of a Used Food Trailer May Not Stay That Low

The saying goes – “you get what you pay for.”

And that isn’t to say that used food trailers out there on the market are pieces of trash, because quite honestly, you can find some great buys out there.

But a lot of the time, the money you save buying new actually dwindles as time goes on. Unfortunately, you end up throwing back into the trailer.
When you work with a reputable manufacturer and designer, you’re privy to a few things that keep your pockets happy down the line.

The chance of having to foot for costly repairs is much lower, but if problems arise- you’re covered by service and parts warranties. With used trailers, you’re on your own.

And typically, buying used trailers means buying older- and older models, like anything else, are prone to more mechanical issues.
You can very quickly find that what you saved initially is being handed back to a repair shop.

(While these horror stories of used cars are slightly unrelated, they gave us a chuckle anyway.)

Another thing to consider is the money you’ll spend making it yours. It’s quite unlikely that you’re going to find a used trailer that’s built the way you want (and need) from the get-go, so you will need to account for the money you’ll spend on those last few levels of customization.

Consider the money you may have to spend adding components as well- appliances, extra counter space, exterior wrapping for your branding etc.

If the price is too good to be true, there is always a reason why.

Your Food Trailer Needs to Be Built For YOU

In a brick and mortar kitchen, you have the space to reinvent. If areas of the kitchen don’t work for you, you can use additional space to make your kitchen work how you need it to.

That isn’t really the case with food trucks and food trailers, where every square inch counts in the kitchen.

There’s not really a whole lot of square inches to spare, right? That’s why your kitchen design and layout- including appliances- have to align with your vision.

(These ten food trailer owners needed customization from the get-go to achieve these beauties.)

Your vision includes your menu, your branding, your service procedures, your storage needs etc. It’s very unlikely that a used food trailer is going to be built to suit how you envisioned your new business.

When you work with a dealer to build and design your trailer, you’re starting from scratch and can customize it down to the inch just for you.
With no hidden costs. Talk about keeping the wallet happy.

Quality Decreases in Older Food Trailers

Used food trailers are typically older, and depreciation becomes a real thing to consider.

The quality of the trailer- the exterior, interior and mechanical set up- deteriorates overtime. To the untrained eye, it might be hard to see the declines in quality.

Not only can these present unexpected, costly repairs but it will ultimately put your food trailer out of business until they’re dealt with.
Loss of consistent income can hit harder than repair bills, and with depreciating assets, you can never really predict when problems will arise.

One breakdown after another could mean the difference between you rolling into profit or just sitting stationary.

(Yes, we know we’ve used the rolling joke TWICE now, but crafting puns for food trailers is harder than it seems.)

Does The Trailer Meet Regulations & Health Standards?

Sigh, we know. The regulations, licences, permits and codes surrounding food trucks are overwhelming to say the least.

And as these mobile food veterans share, the paperwork and standards your trailer has to meet are tough as is.

Used food trailers, especially older models, sometimes don’t stack up to meet your zones regulations. It’s crucial that your food truck is built to reach compliance, or at least be built to be adapted to do so.

It seems like a reoccurring theme, but the cost of bringing your used trailer up to standard can far surpass the initial savings of opting for used over new. It takes a while too- you could be looking at a long time without bringing in revenue while you wait.

Dealerships build and design food trucks to not only meet general standards, but they customize food trailers to meet compliance in different geographical areas. The bonus of working with a dealership is also their knowledge of permits and licensing; they can assist you during the process and really streamline this part of initial set up.

It’s like having someone do your homework for you. Awesome.